Caddo Lake Institute

Caddo Lake Data Server

USFWS 1980 NWI Habitat Data

Data Type:
vector polygon & line coverages
United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Vector delineation of the habitats found on the 7.5 minute quadrangles (Karnack, Potters Point, Trees, Smithland, Jefferson, & Woodlawn) falling in the Caddo Lake ecosystem. Classes are based on the NWI Classification.* Classes have been simplified into the following: Bottomland Hardwoods, Cypress Forest, Cypress Forest (Permanent Flooding), Emergents, Open Water, Scrub/Shrub Wetlands, & Upland. Delineation was performed by classifying aerial photography. * - For more information of the NWI Classification contact the USFWS for a complete guide of the classification scheme.
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